We have put together a portfolio of top-class engineering experts spotting for you the right machine manufacturers and system integrators for your medicine market of Asia. We are aiming to provide the full service from basic plant engineering to performance qualification in accordance with the major GMP requirements of European Pic's, the USA FDA regulations and Australian TGA.
Among others, following systems can be supported:
- personell, decontamination airlocks, laminar flow booth’s
- semi and fully automatic formulation dispensing systems
- rapid mixer and fluidbed-granulators / dryers / drying ovens
- one pot granulators / vacuum dryers
- continuous granulation, wet and dry, with PAT
- container blender (IBC), stationary blender up to 20 000 ltr
- static, mobile handling systems for factory internal logistics
- powder vacuum conveyors for the pharma / food industry
- rotary tablet presses, single / double feed, also with CIP
- tablet press tooling, punches, dies, turrets, accessories
- sugar coating pans and perforated drum filmcoaters
- semi and fully automatic Clean In Place (CIP) systems
- vision technology based powder granule / tablet checkers
- tablet testing systems for weight, dimensions, hardness
- tablet friability and disintegration testers, also for IPC
- tablet dedusting machines, integrated with metal checkers
- rigit tube filling of tablets for effervescent applications
- barrier isolators, glove boxes, laminar flow process lines
- high containment double split valves for API’s / secondaries